1 Diaper Change pocket in the Fish in Bags print
6 Newborn Very Babies (daddy/church/going out diapers)
5 NB/Small fitteds (home or going out diapers)
12 orange edge prefolds (back row - mostly for at home)
3 thirsties covers (for over fitteds/prefolds)
2 wool covers (for over fitteds/prefolds)
2 itty bitty grae preflats (bamboo diapers similar to prefolds)
1 small grae preflat (polka dot print!)
3 Bagshot Row Bamboo one size diapers
3 Goodmama onesize diapers
2 Pampered Cheeks fitteds
1 Nurturing Threads large fitted
Second box has 5 small Very Babies and one Medium Celtic Cloth
Topshelf from left to right has all the itty bitty diapers, covers in the middle and prefolds/preflats in the last basket
Bottom "shelf" has fitteds in the first basket, AIOs/pockets in the second, carriers next to that.
Diapers from Abby and some prefolds are in the Ninja Turtles box