All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Mama can I go play with Abby? Please? 

I'm off! 

There's that sister!

Oh boy!  I got all the way to her toys!!!


Sunday afternoon football

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Micah has his first driving experience yesterday when we stopped at the grocery store for a couple things to make an appetizer for Thanksgiving. He was taught by his wonderfully loving sister who maybe shouldn't be the one teaching him how to drive. 

Beau was not nearly as amused by Micah sitting in the cart as I was as Beau really really doesn't like pushing the car grocery carts as they are a pain to push. Our grocery store only has a couple - maybe 5 at most so we can usually get into the store without Abby seeing one the rare times we go to the store as a family and because of how hard they are to push I have told Abby only daddies can drive the cars so that I don't have to push one. They do enjoy them - I just wish they were easier to push! 

{this was only Micah's second real time riding in the cart as I usually wear him in a carrier - the first one I didn't have a camera and my phone died on me as I took the picture :( }

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sitting and crawling

I forgot to post that as of about two weeks ago that Micah can now get into a sitting position by himself!

He is also full-out crawling now. Though sometimes he needs a little extra motivation like mommy leaving the room for him to travel too far. Last night he was on the floor and I was undressing him getting him ready for bath time and went to put his clothes in the laundry room (because he got his shirt a little wet right when I took off his diaper something he hadn't done since he was an itty bitty) and he was upset I left so in he started talking in his grumpy voice and crawling after me. It wasn't very fast but he was coming to find me!

He also managed to get stuck under the coffee table yesterday! Silly boy! He wasn't too happy about it though and got upset immediately after I snapped that picture.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dear sweet Micah,

Just because you can roll and crawl DOES NOT mean you need to wake up to practice or wake yourself up by practicing in your sleep.

Your mama!


Saturday, November 14, 2009


I think Pampers needs to hire a better research team because the one they currently have is apparently being paid to think up lies.... really bad ones at that. 

Did you know that one of the causes of colds in babies is the wetness that cloth diapers cannot absorb?  With Pampers disposable diapers, your baby can stay dry all night and is less likely to get a cold than he would with cloth diapers.
That’s because Pampers diapers absorb and lock away 100 times more wetness than cloth diapers do.
Keeping skin in its perfect, natural state.
Seriously? A cold..... from his diaper? 

Are laughing yet? 

Last I checked colds came from germs/viruses.... not diapers. And through my tiny bit of research I did viruses survive better in DRY environments! 
Both babies have been cloth diapered and I assure you the FEW colds they did get certainly did not come from there diaper. Not to mention the fact that the cloth diapers do take the moisture away from their skin - using NATURAL fibers. Plus since they don't have chlorine next to their skin all day long they won't have the fertility issues later on in life that some babies can have from the chlorine in disposable diapers like Pampers.  

Then there is this: “Pampers is endorsed by the Pediatrics Association of Nigeria and recent studies with global academic experts show that Pampers delivers superior sleep quality over cloth diapers, resulting in babies’ improved learning and social interaction.”
The Pampers people have gone nuts.... 

Friday, November 13, 2009


Pretty much 



He certainly gets where he wants to go provided it isn't too far away. He's not fast or going too far yet but he's going! Abby better watch out! 


Yea so I'm not always so good at the technical things on the blog and since they took away the video uploader with the new blog publisher I'm not quite certain how to get the whole video to show instead of it cutting off part of the picture but you can see most of it so figuring that out will have to wait until another day. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pedi appt

Any guesses what he now weighs?

Okay ya'll are officially no fun. Only 2 guesses???

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Micah and I had a discussion while I pureed up some sweet potatoes for him to 'eat' for dinner. Such a cute little guy! 

Ummm...  looks yummy! (Can you see the little finger reaching?) 

Hmm... maybe we aren't that impressed. 

Definitely not impressed mama!  I'm done eating! 

 I'd much prefer to just chew on the spoon! 

So for Micah yelling at mama while eating and reaching for her food does not mean he wants to eat or at least eat purees. He did okay. His tongue thrust reflex is gone but he had a little bit of trouble with the swallowing of the food. He wasn't too impressed with the taste either. He was excited at first for the first bite but mostly just wanted to grab the spoon and chew on the opposite end. We'll try again another day - fine by me! 

Can I say I love this bib though? I got one of the {cheaper} version they made for Target on clearance before Micah was born and I'm almost regretting not buying at least two (so I could keep one in the diaper bag when he starts eating more) So easy to wipe clean and since it has a magnetic closure I can stick it to the fridge and I never have to track down a clean bib. 

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Happy 6 Months Micah!

My itty bitty is now half a year old! Wow! He's getting so big (yes I know I say this all the time but it's true!) He's a still such a sweet happy baby. He generally only gets fussy when he starts to get tired. 

Skills most babies have mastered: 
• Turns toward sounds and voices
 Imitates sounds
• Rolls over in both directions

Micah is right on target there and does all of these. 

Emerging Skills: 
• Is ready for solid foods
• Sits without support
• Mouths objects
• Passes objectsfrom hand to hand

We are just starting solids. He didn't much care for avocados when we gave them to him (that's a whole other post there!) He loves to chew on food like apple slices tasting the yummy apple juices that come out or frozen peas in a mesh feeder. Next up is sweet potatoes which I'll bet he'll love. The avocado I made in retrospect was maybe a little too chunky as it was hard to get as smooth as I wanted since I didn't have enough to blend in my mini food processor. 

Micah has certainly mastered the sitting up without support and has been sitting for close to a month now. (I'd have to look back and see which date I posted he was sitting up) 

Mouthing objects? That would be a YES! He mouths everything and I mean everything. If it's in his hand it goes into his mouth. He must put everything in his mouth. 

Passing objects from hand to hand. He does this occasionally though it's much more likely to go from his hand to his mouth than one hand to the other! 

Advanced skills: 
• Lunges forward or starts crawling
• Jabbers or combines syllables
• Drags objects toward himself

Lunges forward - yes. He is starting to do this. He is rocking back and forth a lot now and tries to move his hand forward or will straighten his feet into plank position and move that way (though plank position sometimes leads to rolling over instead of going forward) 

Jabbers - not sure there. He still loves to talk and make noise though I'm not quite sure it's jabbering yet. The link doesn't give a super clear definition so... 

Drags objects toward himself - remember 2 minutes ago where I said everything had to go in the mouth? Yea that includes anything in his reach that he can possibly get to through lunging, rolling, reaching and pulling to himself. If he sees something that is even close to in his reach he is going for it and bringing it to him so I'd say a definite yes on this one! 

Well not that I needed a chart or checklist to tell me my baby was doing just fine as I knew that already but it seems he's one the right track as usual! 
