All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, June 19, 2010

stacking/ late 13 month post

{Copied this first part from the family blog to have her for reference later as this serves as Micah's baby book}
Maybe I'm biased but I personally think Micah's pretty smart for his age. He was playing with his stacking toy yesterday and while he may lack the finer motor skills to get the rings onto the stacking pole (though he can get them on the larger classic Fisher Price one at church) he tried his best to get them on. 
What about that is so smart you ask? Well after he failed to get the red and purple rings on - he took his arrowroot cookie that is shaped similarly to the rings - round (well the cookie has scalloped edges) with a hole in the middle - and tried to stick his cookie onto the stacking ring toy. 
I failed to do a 13 month post when Micah hit 13 months so I'm going to go ahead and add it here: 

Mastered Skills 
 Uses two words skillfully (e.g., "hi" and "bye")
• Bends over and picks up an object

Micah has had these skills mastered for a while. Though in the last week or so I haven't heard him say hi or bye like he used to..... hmm.... not sure what to think about that. He used to say them on a fairly regular basis. 

Emerging Skills 
• Enjoys gazing at his reflection
• Holds out arm or leg to help you dress him

Micah does enjoy looking at himself but not usually for too long because if he's looking in a mirror most times it means he's being held which means he can't be busy so he wants to get down. Though he does enjoy looking in the low mirror in Abby's room - but then he also tries to take that one off the wall. 
As far as holding out and arm or leg - not so much. Usually when getting dressed he is trying to wiggle away as fast as he can. He will however sit down next to the shoe closet when we are sitting there getting out our shoes to put on and stick out his feet to put his shoes out. I think that should count right? 

Advanced Skills 
• Combines words and gestures to make needs known
• Rolls a ball back and forth

He doesn't combine words with gestures but he does point - point - point and whine/screech/make known that he wants something until you get it for him (or otherwise distract him if it's nothing something he should have) He's gotten super demanding and not shy about making his wants known in the past couple weeks. 
He doesn't roll a ball back and forth but he will roll his cars somewhat and he's got a pretty mean arm and will throw a ball and throw it pretty well. He will spend a good long while throwing a ball, picking it back up and throwing it again when he's in the mood. Daddy and Abby were playing catch this evening with a ball and Micah found another ball and was throwing it around as well. His throwing is not limited to balls though. He was throwing the toothbrush we were buying out of the basket at Target the other day repeatedly. I'd no sooner give it back than it would be coming back at me/out of the buggy again - and beware of the loud whining if you didn't pick it back up and give it to him. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pedi appointment

We had our pedi appointment to see what she had to say about Micah's weight today. He lost 4 ounces since last week (I knew based on his eating that he wouldn't have gained this week but I was at least hoping he didn't lose - but he did.) She looked him over and then gave us orders for the lab so we get to have blood drawn (5 different tests) and an x-ray to check for his bone age. If he bone age is low that's actually going to be a good thing she said because that means he's just growing slowly. She also said she commonly sees a slower growth in babies that get teeth later. She also noticed a little bit of fluid in his right ear but as he had some congestion she thought it could be from that. She went ahead and gave us a prescription for an antibotic just in case he spikes a fever, gets grumpier, acts like it's bugging him and has turned into an ear infection so we don't have to go back so soon if it does come to that - hopefully it won't though.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

spiky hair and weight check round 2

After Micah showered this morning I played with his hair after fixing my hair. Beau wasn't too impressed. It's a little long to be able to spike it in the back and not quite enough in the front. 

We had Micah's second weight check this morning exactly a week following his previous weight check.... only this time instead of gaining 8 ounces... or gaining anything... he lost an ounce. So now we go back to see the pedi next week. My feelings are he's just super active. He's one of the busiest little ones in the Church nursery whenever we are there, always moving at home trying to keep up with sister. We'll see what the pedi thinks next week. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Weight check

Micah had his weight check (bright and early at 8 am - meaning we had to leave the house before 7:30 which is early for Abby who is only awake at that time 50% of the time) 

He gained 8 ounces in the past two weeks. I'd say that's a pretty impressive gain as that's double the gain he had in the previous 3 months. 

The nurse just plugged his weight into the computer and plotted it on the growth curve and he's still not where he needs to be according to that. 

So we were given two options. 
1. Make an appointment with his pedi or the nurse practitioner and possibly end up with blood work to make sure there isn't an underlying problem (which isn't likely.)
2. Make another weight check appointment for next week, see if he's still gaining (which means another week where I try to stuff him as full as he can get at all times) then if he shows another gain it's likely we can just make his next appointment for his 15 month well check. 

I chose option 2 because I know how active his is throughout the day and there are days where he is just too darn busy to sit still and eat a good meal. I've added some new snacks that seem to be helping him put on some more weight so I'm confident that he's just busy busy busy and that's why he isn't gaining on the curve they want to see him on.  
