All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
18 month well check
He's still a tiny peanut. A whole 18 lbs 4 oz - a gain but not a big gain (again) - and 31 inches tall. His pediatrician isn't worried. He is growing some - maintaining the tiny curve he's been on for several months, he eats, and he's a very busy boy (she's seen him in action because he's been in the Sunday school class she volunteers for a couple of the past weeks) She was impressed with the number of words in his vocabulary.
pedi appointment
Monday, November 8, 2010
18 months
Wow! I can't believe my itty bitty little guy is already a year and a half old! Micah you are getting so big! Lately you have to do everything sister does. If she gets juice, has an animal to sleep with, colors, you name it, then you have to do it to. You love being a helper and love to help throw things away (which we have to watch closely so you don't throw away anything you shouldn't!). You will help sort laundry (then unsort so you can sort some more!) and want your turn just like sister to turn the knob on the washer and dryer. I love that you like to help and hope you stay that way!
You are a busy little guy too - always on the go. In the past month you've started waking up earlier because who needs sleep when you've got things to do right? You used to sleep in until about 8 am, the past couple week it's been creeping closer to 7 or even a tad earlier. Today it was 6 am because of the time change. This morning you made my day because you sat with Abby and I and read books for almost 30 minutes. You would sit still in my lap and read with us - usually you are off and busy within a book or two. Maybe it was the extra early wake up that made you need a few minutes to recharge?
Weight: ? (haven't had appointment yet and no scale - I'm guessing 19-20 lbs)
Height: 29 inches (With a measuring tape which is shorter than you were 3 months ago at the Dr which can't be possible! You are getting tall for many 12 month outfits but you still don't fill them out!)
Teeth: 3 1/2 (bottom two, your top right, top left is breaking through)
Now for the monthly development chart from BabyCenter like always just to remember where you were at each month to look back on later.
Mastered (most kids can do)
• Will "read" board books on his own
• Scribbles well
You love to carry around a book and look at it. You'll get upset if I put away the book even if you had left it on the floor for a few minutes. You also love to color, paint, glue and craft along with sister.
Emerging (about half of kids can do)
• Strings two words together inphrases
• Brushes teeth with help
• Stacks four blocks
You do say a couple phrases like "thank you" but so far it seems to be just phrases that you say as one word and not stringing two words together.
You love to brush your teeth. You have since before you had teeth (not that that was so long ago!) but you've loved to have a toothbrush to 'brush' or chew on for about 6 months now.
You can stack things but we haven't played with the blocks lately maybe we'll test this tomorrow. You could stack several blocks last time we played - at least 3 maybe 4.
Advanced (a few kids can do)
• Throws a ball overhand
• Takes toys apart and puts them back together
• Shows signs of toilet training readiness
You've been able to throw a ball overhand for many months. You love to throw things and play catch! I'm sure Daddy will be thrilled when you are old enough to really play sports!
You totally love to take toys apart - sometimes you'll put them back together and sometimes you bring them to me to put back then take them apart again and repeat.
You are able to go and get a diaper for me when it's time to change and lay down and don't squirm. I need to get a little potty. With as much as you love to copy sister I'm hoping you'll be as easy with potty learning as she was. We'll see.
Vocabulary list {November 8th}
helicopter/car noises
dat (that)
"down" - touchdown
thank you
new additions since last month
moo (when looking at a cow/or asked what the cow says)
neigh (when looking at a horse/or asked what a horse says)
Abba (what Abby asks him to say)
all done
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