All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Reading with Micah
Micah finally loves reading books. Until a couple months ago he wouldn't sit for more than a couple pages now he'll bring book after book to read. His favorite seems to be this Doggie book by Sandra Boyton. It's the cutest thing to read this to him. Each page has 1 dog, 2 dog and so on and each dog has a specific bark that you read as you go through the book. If you pause before going on to the next page Micah will copy you and say the bark for the dog as well.

Monday, December 20, 2010
'are you?'
Micah loves to look out the window or in this case out into the yard and will yell "are you?" It's like he was looking for Honey here.... except she was standing right next to me. He'll watch out the window for Daddy to get home or the garbage truck to go by and say it as well.
(Oh and don't be deceived by this picture it was in fact taken yesterday and Abby's the over dressed on in the picture. It was in the 70s... nice pleasant not winter at all weather.)
(Oh and don't be deceived by this picture it was in fact taken yesterday and Abby's the over dressed on in the picture. It was in the 70s... nice pleasant not winter at all weather.)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
19 months
A few days late (as usual) but Micah is now 19 months old. He is full of life and energy! He's hilarious as well. Anything Abby does Micah has to do as well. Recently Abby loves to pretend she is a puppy and will crawl around the floor pretending - Micah will crawl along right behind her 'panting' like a puppy. A few days ago Abby taught him that feet are stinky by asking him to smell her toes in the carseat (sigh - at least they were happy right?) and then going 'eww' and waving her hands in front of her nose. When I went to get Micah out of the carseat he pulled his foot to his nose, said "eww" waved his little hands in front of his face. Then he looked at me and laughed as if to say "I was funny right mommy?"
The past few months he'll finally sit to read books and will happily bring me books to read to him! I love cuddling up and reading with both kids!
He currently still wears most of his size 12 month clothes from last winter with them fitting just perfectly. The few new outfits I get him (since he still has a full wardrobe) are size 18 month for the most part. His new shoes are a size 5/18-24 month shoes with plenty of growing room (but the smaller size had very little growing room.)
And now for the monthly Baby Center development chart.
Developing Skills
• Uses a spoon and fork
• Runs
• Throws a ball underhand
• Enjoys helping around the house
• Runs
• Throws a ball underhand
• Enjoys helping around the house
- Most of these skills Micah has been doing for several months. He can and prefers to use a spoon and fork. The spoon can be messy and he sometimes needs help getting things on his fork but in general he asks for one at each meal if everyone else has one. He loves to run - especially after sister, playing chase with daddy or running away from a diaper change or when it's time to get jammies on after a bath. He will help around the house - he likes to help unload the dishwasher and will bring me things to put away, helping with the laundry, putting toys away (even though he immediately dumps them back out), and dusting. I can't say I've ever seen him throw something underhand though but he does throw overhand which is an emerging skill for 21 months according to the baby center development chart.
Emerging Skills
• Understands as many as 200 words
• Recognizes when something is wrong (e.g., calling a dog a cat)
• Recognizes when something is wrong (e.g., calling a dog a cat)
Well I haven't done a count of how many words he can understand but I'd say it's probably at least that. He also seems to understand when something is wrong.
Advanced Skills
• Washes and dries own hands with help
• Points to picture or object when you call it by name
• May know when she needs to pee
• Points to picture or object when you call it by name
• May know when she needs to pee
He can wash and dry his own hands and likes to do it most of the time. He is pretty good at pointing to what I am talking about. I'm not sure he's quite there on the potty training but maybe soon we'll start attempting - this was the age I started at with Abby and she caught on really fast. I'm hopeful for the same with Micah but from everything I know/have read boys aren't usually quite as fast to catch on.
Vocabulary list {November 8th}
helicopter/car noises
dat (that)
"down" - touchdown
thank you
moo (when looking at a cow/or asked what the cow says)
neigh (when looking at a horse/or asked what a horse says)
Abba (what Abby asks him to say)
all done
new additions:
eww (in reference to Abby asking him if his feet are stinky)
boom (falling on daddy and says boom when wrestling on the bed)
No! (dropped from no-no-no mostly when talking to Honey or Abby about not taking his snack/toy)
*I'm fairly certain he's said more just these new words in the past month but I'm drawing a blank at this moment (hence why I really should write them down as he says them!)*
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