My little guy is getting too darn big!

Mastered skills:
- distinguish between bold colors
- play with hands and feet
I think we've got the playing with hands and feet thing down pretty well here! As far as the colors I think he can tell the bold colors - he in particular likes to watch football or baseball with Daddy and I think that is partly because of the bright green grass (or turf) and sometimes brightly colored uniforms.
Emerging skills:
- Recognizes own name
- Turns towards new sounds
- Rolls over in both directions
We recognize our name and turn towards new sounds about half the time. The other half he is too busy with his feet or toy to pay attention. He has yet to roll from back to belly but rolls to his side all the time. He just has no interest in rolling onto his belly because he would much rather be on his back. He came very very close to doing it today though.... until another little girl gave his keys he was reaching for to him while we were watching Abby in ballet. When he is on his tummy he almost always rolls to him back.
Advanced skills:
- Can sit momentarily without support
- Mouths objects
- separation anxiety may begin
Micah can sit for a second before starting to fall over. He can even tripod sit for a couple seconds before he'll try to fold himself in half. As far as mouthing objects - that's about all we do around here - toys, fingers, blankets, Horton, french fry, whatever he can get his little bitty hands on goes right to his mouth. No signs of separation anxiety yet and let's hope it stays that way!
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