All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Reading with Micah
Micah finally loves reading books. Until a couple months ago he wouldn't sit for more than a couple pages now he'll bring book after book to read. His favorite seems to be this Doggie book by Sandra Boyton. It's the cutest thing to read this to him. Each page has 1 dog, 2 dog and so on and each dog has a specific bark that you read as you go through the book. If you pause before going on to the next page Micah will copy you and say the bark for the dog as well.

Monday, December 20, 2010
'are you?'
Micah loves to look out the window or in this case out into the yard and will yell "are you?" It's like he was looking for Honey here.... except she was standing right next to me. He'll watch out the window for Daddy to get home or the garbage truck to go by and say it as well.
(Oh and don't be deceived by this picture it was in fact taken yesterday and Abby's the over dressed on in the picture. It was in the 70s... nice pleasant not winter at all weather.)
(Oh and don't be deceived by this picture it was in fact taken yesterday and Abby's the over dressed on in the picture. It was in the 70s... nice pleasant not winter at all weather.)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
19 months
A few days late (as usual) but Micah is now 19 months old. He is full of life and energy! He's hilarious as well. Anything Abby does Micah has to do as well. Recently Abby loves to pretend she is a puppy and will crawl around the floor pretending - Micah will crawl along right behind her 'panting' like a puppy. A few days ago Abby taught him that feet are stinky by asking him to smell her toes in the carseat (sigh - at least they were happy right?) and then going 'eww' and waving her hands in front of her nose. When I went to get Micah out of the carseat he pulled his foot to his nose, said "eww" waved his little hands in front of his face. Then he looked at me and laughed as if to say "I was funny right mommy?"
The past few months he'll finally sit to read books and will happily bring me books to read to him! I love cuddling up and reading with both kids!
He currently still wears most of his size 12 month clothes from last winter with them fitting just perfectly. The few new outfits I get him (since he still has a full wardrobe) are size 18 month for the most part. His new shoes are a size 5/18-24 month shoes with plenty of growing room (but the smaller size had very little growing room.)
And now for the monthly Baby Center development chart.
Developing Skills
• Uses a spoon and fork
• Runs
• Throws a ball underhand
• Enjoys helping around the house
• Runs
• Throws a ball underhand
• Enjoys helping around the house
- Most of these skills Micah has been doing for several months. He can and prefers to use a spoon and fork. The spoon can be messy and he sometimes needs help getting things on his fork but in general he asks for one at each meal if everyone else has one. He loves to run - especially after sister, playing chase with daddy or running away from a diaper change or when it's time to get jammies on after a bath. He will help around the house - he likes to help unload the dishwasher and will bring me things to put away, helping with the laundry, putting toys away (even though he immediately dumps them back out), and dusting. I can't say I've ever seen him throw something underhand though but he does throw overhand which is an emerging skill for 21 months according to the baby center development chart.
Emerging Skills
• Understands as many as 200 words
• Recognizes when something is wrong (e.g., calling a dog a cat)
• Recognizes when something is wrong (e.g., calling a dog a cat)
Well I haven't done a count of how many words he can understand but I'd say it's probably at least that. He also seems to understand when something is wrong.
Advanced Skills
• Washes and dries own hands with help
• Points to picture or object when you call it by name
• May know when she needs to pee
• Points to picture or object when you call it by name
• May know when she needs to pee
He can wash and dry his own hands and likes to do it most of the time. He is pretty good at pointing to what I am talking about. I'm not sure he's quite there on the potty training but maybe soon we'll start attempting - this was the age I started at with Abby and she caught on really fast. I'm hopeful for the same with Micah but from everything I know/have read boys aren't usually quite as fast to catch on.
Vocabulary list {November 8th}
helicopter/car noises
dat (that)
"down" - touchdown
thank you
moo (when looking at a cow/or asked what the cow says)
neigh (when looking at a horse/or asked what a horse says)
Abba (what Abby asks him to say)
all done
new additions:
eww (in reference to Abby asking him if his feet are stinky)
boom (falling on daddy and says boom when wrestling on the bed)
No! (dropped from no-no-no mostly when talking to Honey or Abby about not taking his snack/toy)
*I'm fairly certain he's said more just these new words in the past month but I'm drawing a blank at this moment (hence why I really should write them down as he says them!)*
body parts known:
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
18 month well check
He's still a tiny peanut. A whole 18 lbs 4 oz - a gain but not a big gain (again) - and 31 inches tall. His pediatrician isn't worried. He is growing some - maintaining the tiny curve he's been on for several months, he eats, and he's a very busy boy (she's seen him in action because he's been in the Sunday school class she volunteers for a couple of the past weeks) She was impressed with the number of words in his vocabulary.
pedi appointment
Monday, November 8, 2010
18 months
Wow! I can't believe my itty bitty little guy is already a year and a half old! Micah you are getting so big! Lately you have to do everything sister does. If she gets juice, has an animal to sleep with, colors, you name it, then you have to do it to. You love being a helper and love to help throw things away (which we have to watch closely so you don't throw away anything you shouldn't!). You will help sort laundry (then unsort so you can sort some more!) and want your turn just like sister to turn the knob on the washer and dryer. I love that you like to help and hope you stay that way!
You are a busy little guy too - always on the go. In the past month you've started waking up earlier because who needs sleep when you've got things to do right? You used to sleep in until about 8 am, the past couple week it's been creeping closer to 7 or even a tad earlier. Today it was 6 am because of the time change. This morning you made my day because you sat with Abby and I and read books for almost 30 minutes. You would sit still in my lap and read with us - usually you are off and busy within a book or two. Maybe it was the extra early wake up that made you need a few minutes to recharge?
Weight: ? (haven't had appointment yet and no scale - I'm guessing 19-20 lbs)
Height: 29 inches (With a measuring tape which is shorter than you were 3 months ago at the Dr which can't be possible! You are getting tall for many 12 month outfits but you still don't fill them out!)
Teeth: 3 1/2 (bottom two, your top right, top left is breaking through)
Now for the monthly development chart from BabyCenter like always just to remember where you were at each month to look back on later.
Mastered (most kids can do)
• Will "read" board books on his own
• Scribbles well
You love to carry around a book and look at it. You'll get upset if I put away the book even if you had left it on the floor for a few minutes. You also love to color, paint, glue and craft along with sister.
Emerging (about half of kids can do)
• Strings two words together inphrases
• Brushes teeth with help
• Stacks four blocks
You do say a couple phrases like "thank you" but so far it seems to be just phrases that you say as one word and not stringing two words together.
You love to brush your teeth. You have since before you had teeth (not that that was so long ago!) but you've loved to have a toothbrush to 'brush' or chew on for about 6 months now.
You can stack things but we haven't played with the blocks lately maybe we'll test this tomorrow. You could stack several blocks last time we played - at least 3 maybe 4.
Advanced (a few kids can do)
• Throws a ball overhand
• Takes toys apart and puts them back together
• Shows signs of toilet training readiness
You've been able to throw a ball overhand for many months. You love to throw things and play catch! I'm sure Daddy will be thrilled when you are old enough to really play sports!
You totally love to take toys apart - sometimes you'll put them back together and sometimes you bring them to me to put back then take them apart again and repeat.
You are able to go and get a diaper for me when it's time to change and lay down and don't squirm. I need to get a little potty. With as much as you love to copy sister I'm hoping you'll be as easy with potty learning as she was. We'll see.
Vocabulary list {November 8th}
helicopter/car noises
dat (that)
"down" - touchdown
thank you
new additions since last month
moo (when looking at a cow/or asked what the cow says)
neigh (when looking at a horse/or asked what a horse says)
Abba (what Abby asks him to say)
all done
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
I think I said no-no-no-no too many times yesterday as I was keeping Micah from unfolding the laundry I was trying to fold. Now he'll look back at me and say no-no-no-no shaking his head from side to side whenever I say it to him.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
17 months
I'm a little late getting this up (and skipped last month) but better late than never....
I am loving this stage. I think it's one of my favorites. Micah is a joy to be around. His little personality is really showing and he's so much fun! He plays with you and really knows when he is being silly. He loves to 'help' even if it means I end up folding the laundry 4 different times after he unfolds it to try to put it away or put it in the laundry basket. He'll sort the laundry with me then take it out to do it again and will help me put things in the washer and dryer but also tries to close the door before I'm done. I may be biased but I just think he's so smart! He has started to love doing crafts with Abby and I and seems to really enjoy them. Very little gets by him so don't try to sneak things thinking he won't see them. He loves to play with sister and doing things that she does. He really loves playing with cars and stuffed animals. When it's time for bed Abby has to go get an animal to sleep with and Micah will fussy until he also gets to go get something to sleep with just like big sister. (That's in addition to his blankie that he sleeps with!) I just love my little itty bitty!
Mastered Skills
16 months
• Turns the pages of a book
• Has temper tantrums when frustrated
• Becomes attached to a soft toy or other object
17 months
• Uses six words regularly
• Enjoys pretend games
• Likes riding toys
Micah has certainly mastered all of the 16 months skills - months ago for most of them. He loves carrying his soft muslim blankets when he is tired or upset and is rather attached to them. He certainly can turn the pages of a book and throw a tantrum when he doesn't get his way.
He has more than 6 words he uses regularly. I'm not sure if you'd call it pretend or not but he will follow Abby around crawling and pretending to be a puppy like her and will 'pretend' eat when she tries to pretend feed him from food in the playroom. He does love his riding toys and his rocking toys.
Emerging Skills
16 months
• Discovers the joy ofclimbing
• Stacks three blocks
• Uses spoon or fork
• Learns the correct way to use common objects (e.g., the telephone)
17 months
• Feeds doll
• Speaks more clearly
• Throws a ball underhand
Micah love and has totally mastered the climbing thing. He can climb onto all chairs and then on to the table when he wants to. He can stack blocks and has been using a spoon for a while. He knows what to do with a fork but isn't great at always getting something on the fork. He loves to 'talk' on the phone.
He isn't speaking much more clearly - though that may have something to do with the whole two teeth thing... hmm maybe? Throwing he usually does overhand and I haven't seen him do underhand yet. He does feed the puppy dogs does that count as far as feeding baby dolls goes?
Advanced Skills
16 months
• Takes off one piece of clothing by himself
• Gets finicky about food
• Switches from two naps to one
17 months
• Dances to music
• Sorts toys by color, shape, or size
• Kicks ball forward
Micah can removed his shoes when he wants and also his pants - though the pants are likely the ones that fall off him anyway? He is also really good at taking off his diaper when he wants to. Even the g-diapers that have the velcro on the back. He isn't any more finicky about food than he was before (ya know the whole only wanting fruits, veggies, cheese and yogurt and not so much the meats and bread) if anything he's actually gotten better and is eating more foods. Yay! He switched down to one nap a day around 11 month. I'm hoping he won't be like Abby and drop his naps completely early like she did as well.
Micah has loved to dance to music for several months now and loves to turn on the music on the iphone and dance with it. He will kick a ball a little bit but doesn't show any interest on sorting toys.
Vocabulary list {October 15th}
helicopter/car noises
dat (that)
New additions:
MINE - his current favorite word - it's replaced 'dat' as a give that to me word. I hear it thousands of times a day. Abby didn't say mine nearly this early.
'down' - as in touch downs with his arms up
thank you
moo (as in the cow says moo - usually said when playing with the cow puzzle piece)
Gigi says she heard him say - jump the other day but I haven't heard it yet.
I think I'm forgetting one or two right now so I'll add them when I think of them.
I am loving this stage. I think it's one of my favorites. Micah is a joy to be around. His little personality is really showing and he's so much fun! He plays with you and really knows when he is being silly. He loves to 'help' even if it means I end up folding the laundry 4 different times after he unfolds it to try to put it away or put it in the laundry basket. He'll sort the laundry with me then take it out to do it again and will help me put things in the washer and dryer but also tries to close the door before I'm done. I may be biased but I just think he's so smart! He has started to love doing crafts with Abby and I and seems to really enjoy them. Very little gets by him so don't try to sneak things thinking he won't see them. He loves to play with sister and doing things that she does. He really loves playing with cars and stuffed animals. When it's time for bed Abby has to go get an animal to sleep with and Micah will fussy until he also gets to go get something to sleep with just like big sister. (That's in addition to his blankie that he sleeps with!) I just love my little itty bitty!
Mastered Skills
16 months
• Turns the pages of a book
• Has temper tantrums when frustrated
• Becomes attached to a soft toy or other object
17 months
• Uses six words regularly
• Enjoys pretend games
• Likes riding toys
Micah has certainly mastered all of the 16 months skills - months ago for most of them. He loves carrying his soft muslim blankets when he is tired or upset and is rather attached to them. He certainly can turn the pages of a book and throw a tantrum when he doesn't get his way.
He has more than 6 words he uses regularly. I'm not sure if you'd call it pretend or not but he will follow Abby around crawling and pretending to be a puppy like her and will 'pretend' eat when she tries to pretend feed him from food in the playroom. He does love his riding toys and his rocking toys.
Emerging Skills
16 months
• Discovers the joy ofclimbing
• Stacks three blocks
• Uses spoon or fork
• Learns the correct way to use common objects (e.g., the telephone)
17 months
• Feeds doll
• Speaks more clearly
• Throws a ball underhand
Micah love and has totally mastered the climbing thing. He can climb onto all chairs and then on to the table when he wants to. He can stack blocks and has been using a spoon for a while. He knows what to do with a fork but isn't great at always getting something on the fork. He loves to 'talk' on the phone.
He isn't speaking much more clearly - though that may have something to do with the whole two teeth thing... hmm maybe? Throwing he usually does overhand and I haven't seen him do underhand yet. He does feed the puppy dogs does that count as far as feeding baby dolls goes?
Advanced Skills
16 months
• Takes off one piece of clothing by himself
• Gets finicky about food
• Switches from two naps to one
17 months
• Dances to music
• Sorts toys by color, shape, or size
• Kicks ball forward
Micah can removed his shoes when he wants and also his pants - though the pants are likely the ones that fall off him anyway? He is also really good at taking off his diaper when he wants to. Even the g-diapers that have the velcro on the back. He isn't any more finicky about food than he was before (ya know the whole only wanting fruits, veggies, cheese and yogurt and not so much the meats and bread) if anything he's actually gotten better and is eating more foods. Yay! He switched down to one nap a day around 11 month. I'm hoping he won't be like Abby and drop his naps completely early like she did as well.
Micah has loved to dance to music for several months now and loves to turn on the music on the iphone and dance with it. He will kick a ball a little bit but doesn't show any interest on sorting toys.
Vocabulary list {October 15th}
helicopter/car noises
dat (that)
New additions:
MINE - his current favorite word - it's replaced 'dat' as a give that to me word. I hear it thousands of times a day. Abby didn't say mine nearly this early.
'down' - as in touch downs with his arms up
thank you
moo (as in the cow says moo - usually said when playing with the cow puzzle piece)
Gigi says she heard him say - jump the other day but I haven't heard it yet.
I think I'm forgetting one or two right now so I'll add them when I think of them.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Vocabulary list {October}
Vocabulary list {October}
helicopter/car noises
dat (that)
New additions:
helicopter/car noises
dat (that)
New additions:
Monday, September 6, 2010
New words {September}
New words Micah has added to his vocabulary recently:
Boo (as in peek-a-boo - he'll peek around a corner, furniture, blanket and say boo)
Splash - copying sister splashing in the pool and tub
Boo (as in peek-a-boo - he'll peek around a corner, furniture, blanket and say boo)
Splash - copying sister splashing in the pool and tub
Monday, August 23, 2010
Micah is {finally!} at 15.5 months getting his first tooth. He's very reluctant to let anyone look in his mouth though. However when he gets angry or upset he'll open his mouth wide and it's clearly visible that his bottom gum has a bump on it and you can see the line of the tooth that's about to come through.
I had my camera nearby so I tried to get a picture of his soon-to-poke-through tooth while sister was getting buckled in the car but you can't see it too well in the picture. You can see his beautiful very blue eyes though. He wasn't too happy since it was past his bedtime and normally I wouldn't take pictures of a crying baby but I couldn't pass up a chance to possibly get a picture of his tooth and I just loved the sparkle that his eyes have to them in this shot.
first tooth,
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
We've entered a new stage of development about two weeks ago. At first it was adorable. Now I'm starting to hope for a language explosion. See this stage we've entered is Micah learned to say "dat" {that} and it's become his favorite word. He knows that we know he wants something when he says "dat" as he points to what he wants. Sometimes however he says "dat" and points and it's to a group of things so you have to figure out which it is he wants. The worst is when he says it just because he wants something but even he doesn't really know what he wants. So for now until we hit a language explosion we are stuck in the land of "dat."
Thursday, August 5, 2010
15 months
• Plays with ball
• Uses three words regularly
• Walks backward
He's got the ball thing down - he's got a great arm and loves to throw them to you or carry them around in his hand if they are the right size (like a golf ball.)
He uses mama, dada, hi, bye, duck and dog usually on a daily basis.
As for walking backwards... hmm... I can't say that I've seen him do that. I mean he's stepped backwards to get out of the way if I'm opening the fridge or something if that's what they are talking about but if they mean more than two or so steps I can't say that I've seen him walk backwards.
• Scribbles with a crayon
• Runs
• Adopts "no" as his favorite word
He can and does enjoy scribbling with a crayon - usually copying sister coloring.
He can run and has gotten much better about not going to fast for his feet so that he trips but it still happens on occasion.
So far 'no' is not even in his vocabulary. He does know what it means but we don't always use the word 'no' sometime we interchange with danger or simple redirection without using the word 'no.'
• "Helps" around the house
• Puts his fingers to his mouth and says "shhh"
He does help around the house. He loves to shut the washer and dryer doors - maybe a little too much as he tries to do it before I'm done switching the laundry. He will do his best to put something in the washer or dryer if I give it to him. He will help clean up when we are picking up legos or crayons and put them in their container. He's getting to be a good little helper!
He doesn't say "shh" but that's not something we do often around here so it's not something I would have expected him to pick up.
Vocabulary list:
helicopter/car noises
recent additions (as of 8/23) that I think I've heard him say recently but can't be certain of just yet:

• Plays with ball
• Uses three words regularly
• Walks backward
He's got the ball thing down - he's got a great arm and loves to throw them to you or carry them around in his hand if they are the right size (like a golf ball.)
He uses mama, dada, hi, bye, duck and dog usually on a daily basis.
As for walking backwards... hmm... I can't say that I've seen him do that. I mean he's stepped backwards to get out of the way if I'm opening the fridge or something if that's what they are talking about but if they mean more than two or so steps I can't say that I've seen him walk backwards.
• Scribbles with a crayon
• Runs
• Adopts "no" as his favorite word
He can and does enjoy scribbling with a crayon - usually copying sister coloring.
He can run and has gotten much better about not going to fast for his feet so that he trips but it still happens on occasion.
So far 'no' is not even in his vocabulary. He does know what it means but we don't always use the word 'no' sometime we interchange with danger or simple redirection without using the word 'no.'
• "Helps" around the house
• Puts his fingers to his mouth and says "shhh"
He does help around the house. He loves to shut the washer and dryer doors - maybe a little too much as he tries to do it before I'm done switching the laundry. He will do his best to put something in the washer or dryer if I give it to him. He will help clean up when we are picking up legos or crayons and put them in their container. He's getting to be a good little helper!
He doesn't say "shh" but that's not something we do often around here so it's not something I would have expected him to pick up.
Vocabulary list:
helicopter/car noises
recent additions (as of 8/23) that I think I've heard him say recently but can't be certain of just yet:
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
I officially have a climbing monkey on my hands. As of a couple days ago he figured out how to climb up onto things. He can climb onto the chairs at the kitchen table, the ottoman in our bedroom, he could already get into the little chairs on in the playroom but now he uses those as a step to get on the little table. Eeek!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
As of last week we can add another word to Micah's vocabulary list. His list so far is:
Bye bye
bssspt (helicopter noises)
and now:
This little duck has become his favorite carry around toy. He's been clutching it almost all the time for 3 days now. It started with him seeing sister with it. The next day he woke up, found it, said proudly "duck!" and I let him keep it for the day after that.
He even made us some duck soup with it.
Monday, July 5, 2010
14 months
Mastered Skills
• Initiates games
• Points to one body part when asked
• Eats with fingers
• Empties containers of contents
• Imitates others
All good here. He's gotten all of these well mastered. He not only loves emptying containers but also really loves filling them back up as well. Does that mean he's advanced? He also does really well imitating others and it's so cute to see him do it.
• Empties containers of contents
• Imitates others
All good here. He's gotten all of these well mastered. He not only loves emptying containers but also really loves filling them back up as well. Does that mean he's advanced? He also does really well imitating others and it's so cute to see him do it.
Emerging Skills
• Toddles well• Initiates games
• Points to one body part when asked
• Responds to instructions (e.g., "give me a kiss")
Pretty good here as well. He walks practically runs so he does more than just toddle well, he loves to initiate a game of peek-a-boo and responds really well to instructions. He will give you a kiss, high five, tell you where a toy he was playing with it and go get that toy. The only thing he doesn't do so well yet is his body parts. We've been working on them but he doesn't know them well yet.
Pretty good here as well. He walks practically runs so he does more than just toddle well, he loves to initiate a game of peek-a-boo and responds really well to instructions. He will give you a kiss, high five, tell you where a toy he was playing with it and go get that toy. The only thing he doesn't do so well yet is his body parts. We've been working on them but he doesn't know them well yet.
Advanced Skills
• Uses a spoon or fork
• Matches lids with appropriate containers
• Pushes and pullstoys while walking
Micah does well using a spoon and can usually get some beans, applesauce or yogurt up to his mouth. He gets the idea of how to use a fork but can't stab the food yet to get it up to his mouth. He's also been pushing/pulling toys while walking for quite a while. He started using his push toy around 11 months soon after he started walking and shortly after started pulling his string duck around.
• Matches lids with appropriate containers
• Pushes and pullstoys while walking
Micah does well using a spoon and can usually get some beans, applesauce or yogurt up to his mouth. He gets the idea of how to use a fork but can't stab the food yet to get it up to his mouth. He's also been pushing/pulling toys while walking for quite a while. He started using his push toy around 11 months soon after he started walking and shortly after started pulling his string duck around.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
stacking/ late 13 month post
{Copied this first part from the family blog to have her for reference later as this serves as Micah's baby book}
Maybe I'm biased but I personally think Micah's pretty smart for his age. He was playing with his stacking toy yesterday and while he may lack the finer motor skills to get the rings onto the stacking pole (though he can get them on the larger classic Fisher Price one at church) he tried his best to get them on.
What about that is so smart you ask? Well after he failed to get the red and purple rings on - he took his arrowroot cookie that is shaped similarly to the rings - round (well the cookie has scalloped edges) with a hole in the middle - and tried to stick his cookie onto the stacking ring toy. I failed to do a 13 month post when Micah hit 13 months so I'm going to go ahead and add it here:
Mastered Skills
Uses two words skillfully (e.g., "hi" and "bye")
• Bends over and picks up an object
Micah has had these skills mastered for a while. Though in the last week or so I haven't heard him say hi or bye like he used to..... hmm.... not sure what to think about that. He used to say them on a fairly regular basis.
Emerging Skills
• Enjoys gazing at his reflection
• Holds out arm or leg to help you dress him
Micah does enjoy looking at himself but not usually for too long because if he's looking in a mirror most times it means he's being held which means he can't be busy so he wants to get down. Though he does enjoy looking in the low mirror in Abby's room - but then he also tries to take that one off the wall.
As far as holding out and arm or leg - not so much. Usually when getting dressed he is trying to wiggle away as fast as he can. He will however sit down next to the shoe closet when we are sitting there getting out our shoes to put on and stick out his feet to put his shoes out. I think that should count right?
Advanced Skills
• Combines words and gestures to make needs known
• Rolls a ball back and forth
He doesn't combine words with gestures but he does point - point - point and whine/screech/make known that he wants something until you get it for him (or otherwise distract him if it's nothing something he should have) He's gotten super demanding and not shy about making his wants known in the past couple weeks.
He doesn't roll a ball back and forth but he will roll his cars somewhat and he's got a pretty mean arm and will throw a ball and throw it pretty well. He will spend a good long while throwing a ball, picking it back up and throwing it again when he's in the mood. Daddy and Abby were playing catch this evening with a ball and Micah found another ball and was throwing it around as well. His throwing is not limited to balls though. He was throwing the toothbrush we were buying out of the basket at Target the other day repeatedly. I'd no sooner give it back than it would be coming back at me/out of the buggy again - and beware of the loud whining if you didn't pick it back up and give it to him.
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