I am loving this stage. I think it's one of my favorites. Micah is a joy to be around. His little personality is really showing and he's so much fun! He plays with you and really knows when he is being silly. He loves to 'help' even if it means I end up folding the laundry 4 different times after he unfolds it to try to put it away or put it in the laundry basket. He'll sort the laundry with me then take it out to do it again and will help me put things in the washer and dryer but also tries to close the door before I'm done. I may be biased but I just think he's so smart! He has started to love doing crafts with Abby and I and seems to really enjoy them. Very little gets by him so don't try to sneak things thinking he won't see them. He loves to play with sister and doing things that she does. He really loves playing with cars and stuffed animals. When it's time for bed Abby has to go get an animal to sleep with and Micah will fussy until he also gets to go get something to sleep with just like big sister. (That's in addition to his blankie that he sleeps with!) I just love my little itty bitty!
Mastered Skills
16 months
• Turns the pages of a book
• Has temper tantrums when frustrated
• Becomes attached to a soft toy or other object
17 months
• Uses six words regularly
• Enjoys pretend games
• Likes riding toys
Micah has certainly mastered all of the 16 months skills - months ago for most of them. He loves carrying his soft muslim blankets when he is tired or upset and is rather attached to them. He certainly can turn the pages of a book and throw a tantrum when he doesn't get his way.
He has more than 6 words he uses regularly. I'm not sure if you'd call it pretend or not but he will follow Abby around crawling and pretending to be a puppy like her and will 'pretend' eat when she tries to pretend feed him from food in the playroom. He does love his riding toys and his rocking toys.
Emerging Skills
16 months
• Discovers the joy ofclimbing
• Stacks three blocks
• Uses spoon or fork
• Learns the correct way to use common objects (e.g., the telephone)
17 months
• Feeds doll
• Speaks more clearly
• Throws a ball underhand
Micah love and has totally mastered the climbing thing. He can climb onto all chairs and then on to the table when he wants to. He can stack blocks and has been using a spoon for a while. He knows what to do with a fork but isn't great at always getting something on the fork. He loves to 'talk' on the phone.
He isn't speaking much more clearly - though that may have something to do with the whole two teeth thing... hmm maybe? Throwing he usually does overhand and I haven't seen him do underhand yet. He does feed the puppy dogs does that count as far as feeding baby dolls goes?
Advanced Skills
16 months
• Takes off one piece of clothing by himself
• Gets finicky about food
• Switches from two naps to one
17 months
• Dances to music
• Sorts toys by color, shape, or size
• Kicks ball forward
Micah can removed his shoes when he wants and also his pants - though the pants are likely the ones that fall off him anyway? He is also really good at taking off his diaper when he wants to. Even the g-diapers that have the velcro on the back. He isn't any more finicky about food than he was before (ya know the whole only wanting fruits, veggies, cheese and yogurt and not so much the meats and bread) if anything he's actually gotten better and is eating more foods. Yay! He switched down to one nap a day around 11 month. I'm hoping he won't be like Abby and drop his naps completely early like she did as well.
Micah has loved to dance to music for several months now and loves to turn on the music on the iphone and dance with it. He will kick a ball a little bit but doesn't show any interest on sorting toys.
Vocabulary list {October 15th}
helicopter/car noises
dat (that)
New additions:
MINE - his current favorite word - it's replaced 'dat' as a give that to me word. I hear it thousands of times a day. Abby didn't say mine nearly this early.
'down' - as in touch downs with his arms up
thank you
moo (as in the cow says moo - usually said when playing with the cow puzzle piece)
Gigi says she heard him say - jump the other day but I haven't heard it yet.
I think I'm forgetting one or two right now so I'll add them when I think of them.
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