Micah's recent thing is to hold his ear and fiddle with it when
sleepy. Today he fell asleep while holding his ear.
All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Micah took two itty bitty tiny steps this evening. He was on the floor after dinner while we were cleaning up and he stood up near a chair, let go and took his two itty bitty steps towards a piece of bread he had thrown on the floor earlier.
We then tried to get him to do it again between Beau and I and he did one tiny step the first time then we got excited and clapped for him and he got so excited himself clapping and waving his arms that he couldn't get his balance or concentration to try it again.
We then tried to get him to do it again between Beau and I and he did one tiny step the first time then we got excited and clapped for him and he got so excited himself clapping and waving his arms that he couldn't get his balance or concentration to try it again.
Friday, February 19, 2010
standing, clapping and more
Micah has had quite the busy day today. He learned/started doing TWO new things today.
First he started clapping. {Can you see the slight blur of his hands there?} Mostly he was doing it when we clapped for him standing up.
Last week he started getting into a standing position all by himself!
And the other thing he started doing?
Saying mama!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
2 ounces
For the first time Micah ate more than an ounce of baby food in a sitting. Wait no I take that back - second time. He ate a large serving of yogurt the very first time he had it but never did that again and it's not in cubes so I didn't really measure it. But tonight he ate 2 full cubes of baby food (2 ounces - each cube is an ounce) About time! He's so funny because there seems to be no rhyme or reason to when or how much baby food he'll eat and when he rejects it all in favor of wanting to feed himself. He ate a banana today - a whole banana {if you ignore the fact that half got dropped on the floor and another at least 1/4 of it got mushed either in his hands or mouth and ended up on his bib}
By the way thanks for the bibs Gigi! It saved our sleeves from getting all yucky today!
By the way thanks for the bibs Gigi! It saved our sleeves from getting all yucky today!
Monday, February 8, 2010
9 month appt
Despite the belly you can see here Micah is a bit of a peanut. He weighed in at 16 lbs 12 oz (Gigi wins the closest guess there!) He was about 25 inches tall but wiggly so I'm not certain how accurate it was - though it was probably pretty close - he's short! All his 6-12/9-12 month pants have to be rolled up to not be way too long. He's super active and there is no worry about his motor development!
Friday, February 5, 2010
9 months
9 in, 9 out. The time is just seemingly flying by. I love my little guy so very much and am happy and sad at the same time over the fact that he is growing up. He is still such a smiley baby and I love his smiles. He gives slobbery open mouth "kisses" where he tries to suck on your nose/chin/check. He gets jealous if anyone else is in mommy's lap 90% of the time.
At 9 months Micah is
- crawling (and has been for almost 3 months now since a little over 6 months old)
- pulling up
- still not really eating too much baby food (with the exception of a couple weeks over Christmas to prove me wrong when everyone else was around to see it!)
- eating and trying finger foods
- following mommy around like a shadow
- has object permanence - looks for toys he drops and really notices when mommy leaves his side
- is still toothless
- love love loves his big sister
- loves his daddy too - He gets excited the mornings daddy gets up to play with him
- occasionally waves (or holds his hand up as if he was going to wave) - Gigi taught him this over the holidays
- wears 6-9 month/6-12 month clothes with some room to grow - especially in the pant length!
And because I've done this before let's revisit the checklist of milestones....
Mastered Skills {most babies have mastered}
• Stands while holding onto something
• Jabbers or combines syllables
• Understands object permanence
Check, check and check. Micah can even stand by himself for a good 20-30 seconds after he has pulled up on something.
Emerging skills {half of babies can do these}
• Cruises while holding onto furniture
• Drinks from a sippy cup
• Eats with fingers
• Bangs objects together
Micah can cruise on the furniture somewhat taking a few steps in either direction but doesn't cruise a lot yet - but he's started cruising more in the past couple days. Mostly he'll get down and then get back up though. He still has yet to figure out the sippy cup - he'd rather play with them or throw them on the floor. He does eat with his fingers - would much rather do that than me feed him but it depends on what I give him to pick up if he wants to eat it or not (puffs - yes, broccoli not so much.) Bangs objects together - not really though he does love banging on things like a drum does that count?
Advanced skills {a few kids can do these}
• Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo
• Says "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent
Umm... skip over the patty-cake and peek-a-boo for a minute and let's focus on the whole mama/dada thing. Looking back at the table saying mama and dada were mastered skills for an 8 month old. Guess not so much when you have a big sister. Micah still is not saying them yet. Beau will swear to you that he's said dada but unless it just came out in the middle of a bunch of other jibber jabber I don't think so. Abby didn't start talking early either - in fact she didn't say mama until 16 months (used to have it down to the day because it took so long - she always knew where mama was so she just never bothered to say it) We are hoping Micah isn't following in those footsteps but doesn't look like it so far.... but maybe since I typed this out he'll start to prove me wrong.
Micah loves peek-a-boo and even will do the blanket himself sometimes! We haven't really done any patty-cake. Guess we'll start now!
Happy 9 months baby boy! {And now can you stop growing so fast?!}
Please excuse the out-of-focus pictures. It was hard enough to get a shot of him standing let alone focus on him!
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