All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, February 8, 2010

9 month appt

Despite the belly you can see here Micah is a bit of a peanut. He weighed in at 16 lbs 12 oz (Gigi wins the closest guess there!) He was about 25 inches tall but wiggly so I'm not certain how accurate it was - though it was probably pretty close - he's short! All his 6-12/9-12 month pants have to be rolled up to not be way too long. He's super active and there is no worry about his motor development! 

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