All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

11 months

I've said it once (or twice) but I'm going to say it again... where has my itty bitty 6 lb 9 oz baby gone? Micah is officially 11 months (two days ago on the 5th.) He now walks 90% of the time. He might fall down but he gets back up and walks again instead of crawling once he falls down. He loves following sister around and playing with her. He's also been more clingy to mommy the past couple days. No signs of any teeth yet either. I could have sworn if I swore at all that I saw bumps/swollen gums on the bottom a couple weeks ago but I guess I was imagining things because no teeth ever showed up. At 11 months in addition to walking, Micah has been eating the same thing as everyone else for just shy of two months now. He decided he didn't really like baby food anymore and would take a bite or two before turning his head away. I'm not sure how much he is actually eating though because an awful lot ends up on the floor. He also used to down a 4 oz yogurt container but now is only eating about 1/2 the container before he stops wanting to be fed and get down and play. This concerns me a little bit because he is so busy that I worry if he doesn't eat more he is going to burn more calories than he takes in and slow down even further in his weight gain. He's been gaining but very very slowly compared to his first few months since his 4 month appointment. In fact he still fits into all his 3-6 month clothes at 11 months but wears mostly 6-12 months clothes. 

Where'd the ball go?
Mastered skills
• Says "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent
• Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo
• Stands alone for a couple of seconds
• Cruises

Micah loves to play peek-a-boo and patty cake, He's totally got stands and cruises down as he's already walking! As far as the verbal skills, he can say both mama and dada but doesn't always say them, or say them where you can really tell who he is saying them to. 

Developing skills
• Understands "no"and simple instructions
• Puts objects into a container

He does somewhat understand no or me telling him to leave something alone (usually the recycling bucket) but that doesn't mean he always stops what he's doing. He does look at you and smile as if he knows he shouldn't be doing that. Micah also loves to put objects in containers. Usually a ball into a cup or an Easter basket. 

Advanced skills
• Says one word besides "mama" and "dada"
• Stoops from standing position

Micah does say bye-bye and waves so I'd say that's one word besides mama and dada. He does occasionally stoop down from a standing position. For his privacy's sake I'll stop myself from mentioning my favorite moment that had me laughing at him the other day as he stooped down.... 

Peek-a-boo I see Micah! 

Oh and he's still got his silly hair style with longer hair in the back where it's growing some but short hair that doesn't want to grow yet in the front! Can you tell? 

I love my little guy! He's just an adorable, enjoyable baby - even when clingy. 


Unknown said...

VERY cute photos!!!

Letherton said...

love his outfit
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