All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.
Micah had his 1 year well check today. It didn't go quite as well as normal. Normal they look at him, see how active he is and say we'll keep an eye on his weight. Today they decided we get to come back for a weight check in two weeks. Not sure what will happen at that point.
Weight: 17 lbs (only a 4 oz gain from his 9 month appointment) Height: 28.3 inches (He did gain quite a bit here which was good because he didn't gain much in height between 6-9 months)
Oh girl, I hope everything goes well! I will be praying. Mollie only weighed 17 pounds at 1 too. The doc told me she wasn't worried, she was growing and right on track with where she had been throughout her first year. She also said she just has a high metabolism, which she will love later in life! :)
Thank you! I'm not too worried - he's a busy busy boy and burns off everything he eats but it's still worrisome that he is falling off his curve he had been growing on.
It makes me feel better to know my child is not the only one not putting on weight but soaring in height. Lyla did the same thing. She put on 13 oz between her 9 and 12 month check up. Our kiddos are just too active.
Oh girl, I hope everything goes well! I will be praying. Mollie only weighed 17 pounds at 1 too. The doc told me she wasn't worried, she was growing and right on track with where she had been throughout her first year. She also said she just has a high metabolism, which she will love later in life! :)
Thank you! I'm not too worried - he's a busy busy boy and burns off everything he eats but it's still worrisome that he is falling off his curve he had been growing on.
It makes me feel better to know my child is not the only one not putting on weight but soaring in height. Lyla did the same thing. She put on 13 oz between her 9 and 12 month check up. Our kiddos are just too active.
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