20 months
{Mastered Skills}
Feeds doll
Takes off own clothes
Dumps an object in imitation, such as throwing garbage away{Emerging Skills}
Learns words at a rate of ten or more a day
Can walk up stairs (but probably not down)
{Advanced Skills}
May start exploring genitals
Draws a straight line
Names several body parts
At 20 months Micah did feed a doll - well not really a doll - more like a puppy dog or a snake that he would 'share' his snack with. He isn't quite to the point he's taking off his clothes yet. He can (and does) take off his diaper if he's left in just his diaper long enough (usually after a meal that I've stripped him down for and haven't gotten around to redressing him yet) He does help me when I'm undressing him but he doesn't mind clothes so he doesn't randomly undress himself. A fact for which I'm thankful. He defiantly has the throwing trash away and will run things to the trash can.
Micah can walk up the stairs (and down if you are holding his hand or there is a rail low enough for him to hold onto)
At 20 months Micah knew his eyes, mouth, nose, teeth, ears head, hair, fingers, foot, toes, belly and could point all those out. He doesn't say all of them yet but he does say mouth, nose and eyes. He also could draw a (mostly) straight line.
21 months
{Mastered Skills}
Can walk up stairs
Able to set simple goals (e.g., deciding to put a toy in a certain place)
{Emerging Skills}
Throws a ball overhand
Kicks ball forward
Stacks six blocks
{Advanced Skills}
Names simple picture in a book
Can walk down stairs
At 21 months Micah can walk up the stairs (and down with a hand to hold.) He can also do almost any task you ask him to. He'll will help put toys away in certain places, throw something away for me, bring me a book/toy/ect.
Throwing a ball overhand? Emerging skill? Ha! Micah never threw any other way - he's been throwing overhand forever. I see a bright future in baseball for this little guy! ;) He will try to kick the ball forward and manages to do it occasionally - we were playing around and doing this a couple months ago around Christmas time. He can totally stack 6 blocks - of course we don't always get to 6 (or more) because it's totally more fun to knock them down than stack them up!
He can name simple things in books - his favorite to look at are the books with animals where he will point out the ducks, dogs and even a sheep one time. He also will point out the 'nanas. As I've stated earlier he'll walk down the stairs with a hand to hold or with a rail that is low enough for him to reach.
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