Fast forward to tonight.... on the way home Abby said she had to potty at which Micah chimed in with "potty." So when we got home I brought his little potty down in to the living room/kitchen and he sat, did a little tiny bit of pee and then wanted a diaper back on.
During dinner he again didn't want to sit so he went into time out (his 3rd ever) The time out spot happened to be near where I had put the potty and a minute into TO* he started pulling at his diaper saying "potty..potty...potty" so I went and took off his (dry) diaper, he sat on the potty and went pee (and this time more than just a drop) I'm just so proud that he seemed to know he had to go and instead of going in his diaper he told me and went on his potty! For having just started dabbling in potty training he's really starting to get it.
*time out
I'm now really tempted to go hard-core potty training very soon! Hard-core meaning lots of time spent bottom-less. I better get serious about trying to find underwear in Micah's size. I'm not sure I can do the roll the waist band trick on underwear to make them fit around his waist like I do his shorts.
1 comment:
Katie--Thanks for you sweet comment on my Puppy Party. I love the idea of having your kids' baby book on a blog. Brillant!
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