All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, August 21, 2011


What a fun age this is for the most part. Micah seems to learn so much each day and is (in my humble mommy opinion) a smart little guy! He catches on quick and keeps up with sister. He loves to play with Abby and will play "pretend" with her. He's got a lot more imagination because of that that I remember Abby having at this age. He loves dogs of all sorts and 90% of the time he picks out a dog to sleep with at night. We moved him to his big boy bed early this summer. Most nights he starts out there and wanders into our room in the wee hours of the morning. He did stay in his room all night a couple nights and I was so impressed! There are of course some nights he doesn't want to go to sleep though and those he usually doesn't make it to his bed at all. He's constantly asking for "nacks." It's usually one of the very first things I hear out of his mouth in the morning indicating he's ready for breakfast and he'll kept it up throughout the day. After naptime is usually when he's the hungriest and he'll eat one snack and ask for another. I hope this means he's having a growth spurt! He loves to help when I'm cooking, which did result in a chair getting broken as he tried to push it over to the counter to help. If he's really cranky (usually while having to wait for food - breakfast, lunch or dinner) helping cook will almost always calm him down. At 27 months he got his very first haircut. I was very sad to say bye the precious baby curls. He looks like such a big boy with his new haircut. 

24 months: 
Mastered Skills 
Names at least six body parts
Half of speech is understandable
Makes two- to three-word sentences

At 2 Micah could definitely name at least 6 body parts: He can name/say - eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, belly, hair, feet, toes and he can point out even more but maybe doesn't say the word. I think half his speech is pretty understandable but I do have to translate his 2 year old speech to anyone who doesn't hear him talk often. After you've been around him for a little while you can usually start to understand him better. He does make 2-3 word sentences. 

Emerging Skills 
Talks about self
Arranges things in categories
Can walk down stairs

He does love to talk about himself. If Abby says something that she is going to do like that she is going to a party, he chimes in "me party!" He doesn't want to be left out! Mmm... arranging things in categories.... not so sure of that one? He can walk down the stairs and has been doing it for a while before he turned 2. 

Advanced Skills 
Begins to understand abstract concepts (e.g., sooner and later)
Becomes attuned to gender differences
Learns to jump

He is getting the concepts of before/after. When we would head to the gym he'd ask for a snack so I'd grab one but tell him he had to wait until Abby climbed the rock wall to eat it and he is able to understand that he will get it soon and quits whining for it for the moment. He has learned to jump. It was really quite fun to watch him learn as I could see he was really trying to get both feet up at the same time and jump for a while and he's finally gotten it! 

27 months
Mastered Skills: 
Jumps with both feet
Opens doors

He totally jumps with both feet (see above!) He can open a door if it has a lever style knob that he can reach but he can't open the round door knobs. He's actually still a little short to get a good grasp to turn the knob. For that I'm pretty thankful for because I can contain him if I need to! 

Emerging Skills: 
Understandsdescriptions (e.g., big, soft)
Draws a vertical line

He is starting to understand descriptions - especially big and small or wet and dry. While we were on the plan to Virginia we practiced drawing lines in a Kumon tracing book that I have and he actually did really well drawing a vertical line after a few practices! I was very impressed! 

Advanced Skills: 
Starts to recognizeABCs
Balances on one foot

We haven't worked too much on ABCs yet. He will repeat the letter if I say it, or if we are watching a show with letters (like watching Super Why with Abby.) When Abby's in school we'll probably do more crafts and start to play/work on letters and counting. He's not quite at the balancing yet. He can do it with help - like when I am putting on shoes - he can stand up and I can lift his foot/help him balance and put his shoe on that way but he isn't doing it by himself yet.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

So proud (and maybe TMI?)

So yesterday Micah had to have his first time-out when he refused to sit on his bottom during dinner. (I lost/misplaced on of the buckles on his high chair when I took them off to clean them so it doesn't buckle anymore) So he ended up in his first time out. He actually stayed there the whole 2 minutes and sat. Then later that same meal he again refused to sit and after I gave him his warning he said "time out?" and pointed to the spot I had sat him in.... which he then ended up in again since he didn't sit down. That seemed to do the trick and he stayed sitting mostly or at least would sit back down when I reminded him to stay sitting.

Fast forward to tonight.... on the way home Abby said she had to potty at which Micah chimed in with "potty." So when we got home I brought his little potty down in to the living room/kitchen and he sat, did a little tiny bit of pee and then wanted a diaper back on.

During dinner he again didn't want to sit so he went into time out (his 3rd ever) The time out spot happened to be near where I had put the potty and a minute into TO* he started pulling at his diaper saying "potty..potty...potty" so I went and took off his (dry) diaper, he sat on the potty and went pee (and this time more than just a drop) I'm just so proud that he seemed to know he had to go and instead of going in his diaper he told me and went on his potty! For having just started dabbling in potty training he's really starting to get it.

*time out

I'm now really tempted to go hard-core potty training very soon! Hard-core meaning lots of time spent bottom-less. I better get serious about trying to find underwear in Micah's size. I'm not sure I can do the roll the waist band trick on underwear to make them fit around his waist like I do his shorts.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

23 months

Oh my! One more month until my itty bitty turns 2. Where has the time gone? Seriously? Until a couple weeks ago I could pretend he was still little since he's so tiny but in the past month he's really "turned two" in the way he acts, has preferences about things and is becoming much more independent.

Mastered Skills 
Names simple picture in a book
Uses 50 to 70 words
- He can name many pictures in a book - he loves to point out dogs, cats, cows (moo) and horses (neigh) and can pick out and name many different fruits and veggies naming them himself and can pick out many more if I am simply asking him where something is and he finds it but doesn't have to say the word. 
Pretty sure he has at least that many words in his vocabulary (list below)

Emerging Skills 
Opens doors
Sings simple tunes
Takes more of an interest in playing with other kids
- Micah is not yet opening doors but he can close them. He's not quite tall enough to reach the knob to be able to turn it. He can open it if it isn't closed all the way. 
- He does sing a few Bible class songs but signing is not something we do a whole lot of at home because I'm not that great at signing. He will sing along with Old McDonald "E-i-e-i-o" is his favorite part. 
- He is loving playing with sister lately and will even go along with her pretending games. This afternoon they were in the kitchen and pretending to see fireworks, Micah played right along with her looking at the ceiling, pointing and saying "ooo" to the pretty pretend fireworks. 

Advanced Skills 
Talks about self (likes, dislikes)
Asks "why?"
- He's not yet asking why yet. He is starting to voice his opinion on things he likes and doesn't like more. If I ask him he'll tell me yes or no as to if he likes something, or wants something specific to eat. He's also been going through some separation anxiety with going into Bible class and the gym nursery and will start saying "no" to going but 95% of the time he's okay after a minute. 

 {strawberry picking last week} 
Strawberries are one of his favorite foods right now. He loves to eat them but almost as much as he loves to eat them he loves to help wash them. If he sees me get the (unwashed) strawberries out of the fridge, he'll immediately get a chair and start to push it over to the kitchen sink to wash them. I'll put  my berry bowl next to the sink and the unwashed berries and he'll wash a berry in the water and then put the clean berry in the berry bowl and repeat until they are all done. He is so happy to be helping! 

He will also help unload the dishwasher and hand things to me to put away. He'll either tell me what he's giving me "plate" or "here you go" as he gives it to me and I'll say "thank you."  

He's known the word "thank you" for a while and will use it but today he's been so sweet and would say "thank you" any time I gave him anything. So sweet! 
The little guy thinks he's big stuff! He loves to play on the big kid playgrounds and go down the big slides. It's a lot of work to keep up with him on the playground! 

He's trying so hard to figure out how to jump with both feet. I've seen him get soclose like almost there twice in the past day! I also saw him walk down the stairs by himself without holding a hand today - what a big boy!

Vocabulary list

helicopter/car noises
dat (that)
"down" - touchdown
thank you 
moo (when looking at a cow/or asked what the cow says)
neigh (when looking at a horse/or asked what a horse says)
Abba (what Abby asks him to say)
all done
eww (in reference to Abby asking him if his feet are stinky)  
boom (falling on daddy and says boom when wrestling on the bed)
No! (dropped from no-no-no mostly when talking to Honey or Abby about not taking his snack/toy)

there you go (said as one word all together)
are-you (where are you?) 
"eus" (Zeus - Uncle Jeremy's dog's name)
Honey (our dog's name)

New additions
bike ride 
Abb-e (Abby)
Pop (Pops) 
"Melmo" (Elmo) 

I'm sure there are probably more that I am forgetting as well! 

He said his first 3 word "sentence" today! We were in the car after getting home from Bible class and had taken off his shoes (a normal occurrence) but when I went to get him unbuckled he said "walk, shoes, uh-oh!" He knew to walk to the house he needed his shoes which weren't on his feet anymore. Silly boy! 


Monday, April 4, 2011


Micah has a new favorite word "walk" This means of course the literal he wants to walk but it can also be taken as "me do it" He demands loves to walk holding Mommy's hand now, climb into the car by himself, run away from mommy and not leave whatever fun thing we were doing, walk downstairs instead of being taken upstairs to nap.

He's quickly become quite the little two year old with a clear idea of exactly what he wants (or doesn't want) to be doing at any particular time. I think I'm going to have my hands full with this busy little guy in the coming months.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

20 & 21 months {way overdue!}

I'm finally remembering to sit down and finally write out this post... only a month and 1/2 late.... whoops! 

20 months
{Mastered Skills} 
Feeds doll
Takes off own clothes
Dumps an object in imitation, such as throwing garbage away
{Emerging Skills} 
Learns words at a rate of ten or more a day
Can walk up stairs (but probably not down)

{Advanced Skills} 
May start exploring genitals
Draws a straight line
Names several body parts

At 20 months Micah did feed a doll - well not really a doll - more like a puppy dog or a snake that he would 'share' his snack with. He isn't quite to the point he's taking off his clothes yet. He can (and does) take off his diaper if he's left in just his diaper long enough (usually after a meal that I've stripped him down for and haven't gotten around to redressing him yet) He does help me when I'm undressing him but he doesn't mind clothes so he doesn't randomly undress himself. A fact for which I'm thankful. He defiantly has the throwing trash away and will run things to the trash can. 

Micah can walk up the stairs (and down if you are holding his hand or there is a rail low enough for him to hold onto) 

At 20 months Micah knew his eyes, mouth, nose, teeth, ears head, hair, fingers, foot, toes, belly and could point all those out. He doesn't say all of them yet but he does say mouth, nose and eyes. He also could draw a (mostly) straight line.

21 months
{Mastered Skills}
Can walk up stairs
Able to set simple goals (e.g., deciding to put a toy in a certain place)

{Emerging Skills}
Throws a ball overhand
Kicks ball forward
Stacks six blocks

{Advanced Skills}
Names simple picture in a book
Can walk down stairs

At 21 months Micah can walk up the stairs (and down with a hand to hold.) He can also do almost any task you ask him to. He'll will help put toys away in certain places, throw something away for me, bring me a book/toy/ect. 

Throwing a ball overhand? Emerging skill? Ha! Micah never threw any other way - he's been throwing overhand forever. I see a bright future in baseball for this little guy! ;) He will try to kick the ball forward and manages to do it occasionally - we were playing around and doing this a couple months ago around Christmas time. He can totally stack 6 blocks - of course we don't always get to 6 (or more) because it's totally more fun to knock them down than stack them up!

He can name simple things in books - his favorite to look at are the books with animals where he will point out the ducks, dogs and even a sheep one time. He also will point out the 'nanas. As I've stated earlier he'll walk down the stairs with a hand to hold or with a rail that is low enough for him to reach. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Micah's view on teething


Central incisor - Normal - 9.6 months           Micah - 16.5 months 
Lateral incisor -  Normal - 12.4 months        Micah - one at 19 months (still not fully in either!)
Canine -              Normal - 18.3 months         Micah - ??? 
First Molar -        Normal - 15.7 months         Micah - 20 months 
Second Molar -  Normal - 26.2 months        Micah - ???? 

Central incisor - Normal - 7.8 months           Micah - 15.5 months 
Lateral incisor -  Normal - 11.5 months        Micah - ?????? (He's getting a top one but no sign of the bottom ones!)
Canine -              Normal - 18.2 months         Micah - ??? 
First Molar -        Normal - 15.1 months         Micah - ????? (Again the top ones but not the bottom ones!)
Second Molar -  Normal - 26.0 months        Micah - ???? 

He's hitting every other developmental milestone on track but as far as his teeth and weight go, Micah has no interest in going by the books! Ha! 


20 months vocabulary

A little late... but here's Micah's updated word list: 
Vocabulary list {January 17th}

helicopter/car noises
dat (that)
"down" - touchdown
thank you 
moo (when looking at a cow/or asked what the cow says)
neigh (when looking at a horse/or asked what a horse says)
Abba (what Abby asks him to say)
all done
eww (in reference to Abby asking him if his feet are stinky)  
boom (falling on daddy and says boom when wrestling on the bed)
No! (dropped from no-no-no mostly when talking to Honey or Abby about not taking his snack/toy)

New additions
there you go (said as one word all together)
are-you (where are you?) 
"eus" (Zeus - Uncle Jeremy's dog's name)
Honey (our dog's name)

signs: please & sometimes thank you
