All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, December 28, 2009

We have a stair climber

Uh oh! Gigi thought she was being silly and tried to teach Micah how to climb the stairs while she was here last week. He didn't really get much of a chance to practice after her little 'lesson' yet he must have been plotting his stair climbing technique the days we were away because this evening he managed to make it up two stairs twice before he got stopped in his tracks. I'm in big trouble now! 

He also chose to wear much of his dinner tonight. This was taken after wiping his face, hands and neck and there were peas and green beans still hanging on! He actually did really well eating tonight (as he had the past couple days when I fed him store bought food instead of mommy made food - geez am I that bad a cook I can't steam and puree baby food well enough for him to enjoy?) However after he was done eating he managed to grab at the spoon, get his hands messy and then cover his face with that! 

I still think I need to send Tyler Florence an email about his Sprout baby food and complain that my baby wouldn't eat the food I so lovingly prepared for him but instead goobled up the pears and apricot Sprout food I purchased while we were traveling. 

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