All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

spiky hair and weight check round 2

After Micah showered this morning I played with his hair after fixing my hair. Beau wasn't too impressed. It's a little long to be able to spike it in the back and not quite enough in the front. 

We had Micah's second weight check this morning exactly a week following his previous weight check.... only this time instead of gaining 8 ounces... or gaining anything... he lost an ounce. So now we go back to see the pedi next week. My feelings are he's just super active. He's one of the busiest little ones in the Church nursery whenever we are there, always moving at home trying to keep up with sister. We'll see what the pedi thinks next week. 

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