All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

12 months

I can't believe that a year ago Micah had just joined our family as a tiny 6 lb 9 oz newborn. 

  Now a year later he walking, starting to talk, interacting and finally 'playing with all these toys' like Abby said he would when we would ask what she was going to do with the baby when he was out of mommy's belly. He loves to play with toys that he can hold in his hand and walk around with (and usually taste as he walks with them.) He also enjoys pushing around cars and trucks on the floor as he walks behind them. We discovered his love of balloon at his birthday party as he was thrilled to be able to hold onto the string and walk around with a balloon throughout the party.
  He's such a joy to have in our family. Most days he is such a happy baby, content to play and toddle around finding different toys around the house. Some days he can be clingy and wanting mommy but that's okay too - I love my cuddles from my little guy because big sister is usually too busy to cuddle much anymore! Though it does make it hard to get stuff done some days if he only wants to be held. Those days are usually because he didn't get enough sleep. 
  At 12 months he still has no teeth but still manages to eat okay - though he does chew/taste a lot of food and then it falls out of his mouth. We're hoping that maybe eventually getting some teeth with help solve that little problem! He's too independent in that aspect to let mommy feed him much anymore and 1/2 a container of yogurt that used to be his favorite is the most he'll usually sit and be content to be feed. Other than that it has to be food that he can pick up and eat himself. Aside from shellfish, peanut butter and honey he is eating just about everything that we eat. Some of his current favorites are broccoli, corn, green beans, grapes and chicken. He isn't too picky but he loves variety. He gets tired of foods if he eats them too often and will fuss about having to eat them again.
   He also loves to be outside. He and Abby could spend hours outside. Micah enjoys it when we open the garage and Abby will ride her bike (or trike, or car) around the driveway and Micah will explore the garage and the toys we have in there. Gigi showed him how to ride in the little car that Abby loves and now Micah loves that too and will let you know he wants to go for a ride by trying to climb in all by himself (though he isn't big enough yet to get his leg over and into the car.)
{Mastered Skills}
• Imitates others' activities
• Indicates wants with gestures

Micah's got these skills done well. He totally imitates others - especially me. He will wave if he sees someone waving (or even if we open the door to leave or to see daddy come home he'll wave then as well!) He also will take a stick a drag it around the kitchen when I sweep or mop, and he loves to put on a hat or headband like Daddy, Mommy and sister do.

{Emerging Skills}
• Takes a few steps
• Says one wordbesides "mama" and "dada"

One step? Yup I think we've got that covered. Micah's been full on walking for over a month now! There's no stopping him. As far as words go he says 'hi' in addition to mama and dada. 

{Advanced Skills} 
• Walks alone
• Scribbles with a crayon
• Says two wordsbesides "mama" and "dada"

He totally walks alone. I haven't really tried to see if he'll scribble with a crayon because usually if he manages to find one of sister's crayons it goes straight to his mouth  - maybe I'll try and see if he's interested soon but I think he'll still just try to eat it. As far as words go - at times I think he's said bye-bye but he hasn't said it in a week or so. 


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