All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, May 28, 2010

Menu plan

With the lack of weight gain in the past 3 months on Micah's part (well I haven't gained any weight either for that matter but I haven't lost it at the rate I'd like to. Maybe I should take Micah's approach to eating and activity?) I've been paying a lot more attention to what he eats, finding lots of new things to try and analyzing (or maybe over analyzing!) everything he eats or doesn't eat in the past 10 days since his appointment. I read a post by another blogger with all the foods her little one eats and I'm now going to borrow the idea and use it here. 

So here's a run down of what he likes to eat. I usually feed him the same things we are eating, with maybe a few different things thrown in if he can't eat some part of what the rest of us are having.

toast (whole gain - occasionally made into cinnamon toast)
yogurt (I've started feeding him Greek yogurt as it has more fat than whole milk yogurt) 
cereal (cheerios - not a favorite anymore though as he's tired of them!)
cereal bar (the more natural kind with no HFCS ect) - for mornings we are more rushed

these tend to be pretty basic most days
homemade baked chicken tenders
peanut butter roll up (peanut butter thinly spread on a tortilla rolled and sliced)
yogurt melts
baked Alexis brand oven fries
cheese (he usually eats shredded cheese the best)

other things I've tried that don't go over as well: quesadilla 

Pieces of what we are eating including: 
pork chops/tenderloin
home made pizza

goldfish (I've started buying the garden veggie kind - makes them a little healthier right?)
Just Tomatos or Target brand freeze dried fruits
graham crackers 
peanut butter on crackers
string cheese 
New things I've found and added: 
Plum Organics mishmash - basically pureed fruit like baby food but it comes in a packaged with a closable top that can act as a straw/squeeze thing so Micah can feed it to himself, it is healthy (fruit puree), easily portable. 
PlumTots fiddlesticks - easy for Micah to hold and eat on his own and he seems to really like them

I know the snack section seems pretty big compared to the meals but since Micah doesn't always want to eat his meals I do like to give him a snack in between when he starts to get fussy because I know he is probably hungry and because I need to get some calories in him. He's so active and so doesn't aways want to sit at meal times and eat that I need to feed him when I can so I try to make sure the snack options are pretty healthy as well. 

grapes (cut in half) 

broccoli - possibly his favorite 
green beans 
corn (not as nutrient packed as others but we all love it around here)
potatoes (regular and sweet potatoes) 

Yesterday he ended up having an excellent day for him eating wise and ate a lot (for him) without leaving a big mess. See usually if he doesn't like something or decides not to eat it he'll spit it out of his mouth where it will then usually fall down into his lap or on the bottom part of his high chair. Yesterday there was hardly anything down on the bottom of his high chair. Today not as good. He ate a bunch of strawberries for lunch but no pasta or any of the Jammy Sammy that I bought for him to try (like a cross between a sandwich and cereal bar exactly not quite as bready - which he's not huge on bread so that's good - and not as sticky as a cereal bar with the filling can be.) Then dinner all he wanted to eat was the corn - no chicken, potatoes, crawfish.... 

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