All about the milestones my itty bitty hits and when he hits them. I can't seem to remember to write down things in a baby book so for the time being this is his online baby book for all to see. If you want to see all the other happenings of our family you can look here.  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


This is where my (all too soon to be) one year old 11 month, 4 week and 2 day old sleeps for about half of his nap and the first part of the night. 
   Yes, you read that right and nope I don't care what you think. It works for us and I like it this way. Micah spends naptime and bedtime on his little pallet on the floor that is covered with a sheet and usually laying on or over his boppy pillow after he finishes getting some milk. It's just easier to put him down with his pillow than without. See I've never been good about being able to gently place my children in a crib without them getting upset about it. Plus our crib only has 3 sides on it - the 4th side is attached to our bed so he could easily crawl out if I'm not there when he wakes up. So for that reason he has a comfy spot on the floor where he enjoys getting his rest and it's what works for us. 
   What about the rest of the time you ask? We co-sleep. I love my snuggles with my babies. They get big all too fast and soon they won't want to snuggle any more. Plus I'm all about responding to my child's needs - and in my mind - needing and or wanting mommy is a need - not a baby's way of manipulating me - I don't believe that starts until much later despite what some people may choose to believe. 
   There are those who choose to believe that their infant is manipulating them and feel the need to 'teach' them it's bedtime by leaving them in their cribs to cry. I'm not one of them. I in-fact believe that it can actually be harmful to them. This study talks about how the practice of Cry-it-out (CIO) can harm baby's brains - a high level of stress builds in their brains when left to cry. They stop crying eventually because they give up on anyone coming. I just can't handle the thought of my child giving up on me - I like knowing my child knows I'll respond to their cries - even if it's just because they need mommy to hold them to sleep instead of lying in a crib all by themselves. 
    None of this is to say I'm perfect in every parenting decision I make or that my child never cries. There are times that mommy needs to do something - like getting ready to go out somewhere and we have to be on time and I can't wash my hair and hold a slippery baby in the shower at the same time - but I'm right there talking to him and he's being responded to even if I can't pick him up at that moment. It's just to say that I'm happy with the parenting decisions I've made - even if it means that our bed becomes crowded some nights. 


1 comment:

Aubrey said...

You go girl. It's all about making a decision that works for you and sticking with it. I agree that no parenting style is perfect. No matter what we are going to face our challenges. We just have to do what we think is best and what works for our family. I myself am not a co-sleeper, but I don't let her cry it out either. I guess I'm somewhere in between, but that works for us. Some times I wish Lyla would cuddle, but she won't. She thinks it's play time. She needs her quiet time in her bed. But that's what works for us.

Your kids seem to be growing up well adjusted.